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PIL service in West Africa improves further
Additional service injects capacity
We are pleased to announce that WA2 service will be served by two PIL operated dedicated feeders, namely Kota Hormat and MCP Troodos from end Oct onwards. The frequency is therefore improved to every 8-9 days from current fortnight.
In addition to existing port of calls, WA2 service will be inserting TAKORADI call from mid Nov, maiden voyage is MCP Troodos 026 eta 14th Nov. As such, the service rotation will be updated as Lome – Conakry – Freetown – Monrovia – Takoradi – Lome.
Conakry/Freetown/Morovia/Takoradi cargo ex Far East/Middle East/India/South Africa will be transshipped at Lome via the existing SWS/SW2/AMI service.
The expected transit time ex Singapore to WA2 ports will be:
Conakry: 36 days
Freetown: 38 days
Monrovia: 40 days
Takoradi: 45 days